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Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

VIA Open (General Membership) Meeting


Open (General Membership) Meeting for VIA will be postponed. Information will be posted in the SCOOP and announced at Support Group meeting and members will be notified via text, phone, or email.

Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

2018 Extreme Weather Ready Expo

George R. Brown Convention Center

The 2018 Extreme Weather Ready Expo (formerly known as Hurricane Preparedness Workshop) will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at the George R. Brown Convention Center.  The Expo will prepare residents for extreme weather situations through presentations, interactive exhibits, weather forecasting, and more.

Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

Blind Etiquette Training

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group will sponsor training on Blind Etiquette.  Trainer Benigno Aceves of TWC (formerly DARS) and his team will enlighten the group on how to handle personal situations, group settings, and John Q. Public.

METROLift Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

METROLift Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at Metropolitan Multi-Service Center from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

Support Group Summer Hiatus

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

The weekly Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group's last meeting as the summer hiatus begins will be Thursday, June 14, 2018.  Support Group meetings will resume on Thursday, August 2, 2018.

VIA Executive Board Meeting

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

VIA Executive Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm.