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Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

Blind Etiquette Training

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group will sponsor training on Blind Etiquette.  Trainer Benigno Aceves of TWC (formerly DARS) and his team will enlighten the group on how to handle personal situations, group settings, and John Q. Public.

METROLift Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

METROLift Advisory Committee (MAC) meeting will be held on Thursday, June 7, 2018 at Metropolitan Multi-Service Center from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.

Support Group Summer Hiatus

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

The weekly Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group's last meeting as the summer hiatus begins will be Thursday, June 14, 2018.  Support Group meetings will resume on Thursday, August 2, 2018.

VIA Executive Board Meeting

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

VIA Executive Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm.

VIA 10th Anniversary

To be determined

Visually Impaired Advocates 10th Anniversary Dinner celebration will be announced upon finalization of 2018 plans.   Specific information--venue and cost are yet to be determined and will be in the SCOOP or you may contact Talana Townsend, Hospitality Chair at 832-867-0140 or

To be determined

Arthur Dominguez Memorial Luncheon

Potatoe Patch 2020 FM 1960 Road, Houston, TX

The annual Arthur Dominguez Memorial Luncheon will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2018, at Potatoe Patch located 2020 FM 1960 Road, Houston, TX 77073.  The SCOOP newsletter will provide the exact time of this event or you may contact Cuqui Soto.

Bus Trip–Sailing Angels

Come join us on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 on a boating trip (Sailing Angels) out of Kemah, TX. Cost is $10 per person; must be age 18 or above to ride bus.  Payment must be made by Thursday, June 14, 2018. Times and specific address of boat departure will be posted upon finalization of details.


Blind & Visually Impaired Support Group Meeting

City of Houston Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 West Gray, Houston, TX, United States

The Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group will resume meeting from summer hiatus Thursday, August 2, 2018. Designed exclusively for blind and visually impaired adults who have been deemed legally blind and may need encouragement and support as they face this challenge.